If you feel like you have done everything right in order to be more focused and productive, but are still falling behind, it might be from very small habits you didn’t know were hurting your success. These are extremely common mistakes people make that they think will make them more productive, and actually do the opposite.
Having Too Many Projects at Once
It is great to have a lot of goals and plenty of projects to work on, but if you try to do them all at once, you are going to get burned out and not stay productive for very long. If you have a big list of goals you want to accomplish, start by deciding which one you want to focus on first. This might be the shorter term goal or simply something you are most excited about. Just minimize how much you are working on at one time, and your productivity will increase drastically.
Spending Time on Things That Don’t Matter to You
This is a really easy trap to fall into. You think by just working hard on everything, you will get more done, but sometimes you are focused on things that aren’t actually as important as they once were. Analyze how you are spending your time and what takes up most of your energy. Do you find that you are still working on something you no longer care about or is no longer a goal of yours? This has probably become a habit, and might not even be a priority in your life anymore.
Not Having a Good System for Getting Work Done
No matter what tasks or projects you have, there should be a specific system for getting them done. If you have some items on your to-do list and no idea how you would accomplish them, you either need to replace them with something else, or figure out a detailed plan of action. Otherwise, they will remain on your list forever and never get done.
Trying to Be Everything to Everybody
You also need to stop trying to do everything for everyone else, which only takes time and energy away from your own tasks. Set some healthy boundaries with your colleagues and friends, and balance out your time between your own projects, your free time, and what you can help others with. They should also be doing the same.
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