If you’ve been thinking about living the minimalist lifestyle, it’s very likely that you’re trying to decrease the clutter in life so you can focus on being more productive, help improve your mood, or reduce stress. You might be having some difficulty in figuring out what, and how to know which belongs you can remove from your home, so here is a short list of ways to choose
Get Rid of Copies
The first and least painful way to get rid of things is to find all of the copies that you have and get rid of them by donating them or throwing them away. A lot of people accumulate extra copies of books, magazines, movies, and music. If you don’t need a physical copy of a document, scan them and save them digitally. This will make them more readily available and distributable. Once you have cleared some space and feel the accomplishment of eliminating unnecessary items, you will be more equipped to move on to the next effort.
Why Are We Keeping This Again?
One of the most common drawers in every household is the junk drawer. This is the final resting place of screws, pieces of appliances you no longer own, and a multitude of other plastic and metal pieces that are likely to never find their home. Locate every area that serves this purpose and throw them away. It is extremely common for an entire household to go a full month without utilizing anything in these locations.
Out of Sight For 30 days
This is an advanced technique for choosing what to throw out. Take all the items that are questionable and place them in a box. If a full 30 days passes without use, then prepare the items for donation or throw them away. If you haven’t used them in that time, you are incredibly unlikely to end up needing any of them in the following month.
Don’t Let Guilt Tell You What to Keep
This one is a hard one for a lot of people. Most of us know what it’s like to have a piece of furniture, article of clothing, jewelry, or kitchenware that we don’t want to use, but keep because it was given to us by someone. A healthy home is one that is filled with what we love and enjoy, so we shouldn’t let others tell us what to do with our belongings. Once they have been given to us, they are our belongings and we can do whatever we choose with them.
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