It may be hard to believe now, but the modern structure of modern celebratory traditions is recent. In the 1860s images of the family were important due to civil war and the hopes of those who wished to return home, but big business sought to exploit the holiday for its penchant for eliciting exponentially large displays of “holiday spirit.” This article will be discussing how to be a minimalist during the holidays.
Stop or Minimize Giving Gifts
Before the late 19th century, holidays such as Christmas were far more personal. The focus was more on the time spent with family, and not on that gift giving. When gifts were given, they were likely to be surplus items and would be closer to the ideas of minimalism. Try explaining to the people close to you that you won’t be engaging in any gift-giving this year and that they are free from any obligation to give gifts to you as well.
Celebrate How You Want To
Nothing about celebration should ever be oppressive or cause stress to its supporters. That’s the magical nature of deciding how you want to celebrate any holiday. It’s completely up to you how you should be able to express your joy. Take time to reflect on what you want to do, what it means to you, and celebrate it with whomever you chose.
Avoid Guilt Obligations
Be realistic with yourself. Don’t take on obligations that you know you don’t want to do. People who care about you should be willing to understand how you feel and be open to your ideas. Learn to be comfortable with telling people no. It’s important to establish healthy boundaries to have healthy relationships with yourself and others.
Don’t Over Extend Your Spending
When you do choose to give a gift, go on a trip, or any other financial commitment, be good to yourself and avoid any spending to please others because what you overspend today could cripple you financially tomorrow. Live within your means and plan. This will free up funds for a goal or an enrichment activity.
Be Discriminate When Decorating
A few choice set pieces can really liven up a room with a festive feel. Let go of the desire to have the most lavish display of the holiday spirit. Use the opportunity to create a great family activity where you make ornaments and decorations with friends, or family. This can go a lot further to bring you closer together than simply staring at which low-quality store decorations you can buy.
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