If you have been trying to be more productive lately but are struggling, it might be from those little habits you have, that you didn’t realize were a problem. The following 4 habits aren’t bad on their own but can be troublesome when it comes to getting more done and reaching your goals.
Using Your Phone First Thing in the Morning
One of the worst things you can do is start your day by scrolling through email or social media on your phone. It might seem harmless and that you just want to check your notifications, but there is nothing that can’t wait 30 minutes or so until you are done with your morning routine. There is so much that can come up by checking email or social media, that completely takes you away from your morning focus. Suddenly, you have been scrolling Twitter for an hour and no longer have any motivation to get your work done.
It is no longer recommended that you multi-task, as it doesn’t actually help you get more done. Quite the opposite in most cases. It used to be that people would try to work on as many tasks as they could at one time, but we now know that this ruins your focus. You can’t really put all your attention on one single thing. Instead of multi-tasking, work on your priority tasks one at a time, before moving on to the next one.
This helps you focus on each task and give it your full attention, without constantly feeling like your mind is in 10 different places.
Working Without a Plan or Schedule
Make sure you start your day with a schedule and a plan, and you know how you will get each task completed. If you have been waking up and aren’t really sure what to do first or how you will get your list of tasks done, then you won’t get very far. You spend half your day just working on a schedule, and don’t get to anything until your day is almost over. It’s time to break this bad habit right now.
Expecting Perfection
It is great to be productive and work hard, but you shouldn’t expect perfection. So many people focus on being perfect and assume their day is ruined if they didn’t get everything right. But every step you take toward your goals is a step in the right direction. Reward yourself for the small achievements in each day, not just having a 100 percent perfect day.
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