The reason morning routines have become so popular is because it sets you up for success from the moment you open your eyes. The way you decide to spend the first minutes of your day can make or break your productivity.
Here are some tips for creating a morning routine that helps to improve your productivity and keep you focused all day long.
Don’t Try to do Too Much
Having a morning routine is a great way to improve your productivity, but not if it’s too complex. It should be a simple, short routine that doesn’t take more than 20-30 minutes. This is where many people go wrong because they compare it to other people’s routines that take an hour or longer. If there are 10 steps to your routine, that is probably where you are going wrong.
Start Slow
Don’t change the habits in your routine all at once, or it won’t last very long. Really think about 1-2 things you can add to your current morning routine and in what order they would go best in. Maybe after brushing your teeth, you decide to do a short 10-mintue stretch before getting dressed for the day. This is simple to add and won’t take too long.
Take Care of Your Emotional and Physical Health Needs
The ideal morning routine takes care of both your physical and emotional health. This means activities like reading or writing in a journal for your mental clarity, and drinking water, or doing yoga for your physical health. Try to have a mixture of both for the best morning routine for productivity.
Keep Your Mornings Tech-Free
If at all possible, ignore notifications on your phone and don’t even unlock it until you have completed your morning routine. This is even easier to do if your alarm is separate from your phone. Purchase an inexpensive alarm clock to put on your dresser or bedside table and keep your phone turned off until your morning routine is done.
Start With the Most Urgent Task First
If you add some work to your morning routine, start with the most urgent task, also known as “eating the frog”. When looking at your to-do list for the day, put it in order of priority. Choose the task you absolutely need to get done the most and do that first. Even if it is the most difficult task, you will feel so much better if you can tackle it first.
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